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General Director of Art Performing Center salute Morteza Khamseai

Iran Theater- Shahram Karami, general director of the performing arts center, wrote a message for death of Morteza Khamesai , the last survivor of Kheime Shab bazi art form.

Iran Theater- Shahram Karami, general director of the performing arts center, wrote a message for death of Morteza Khamesai , the last survivor of Kheime Shab bazi art form.

He wrote” the  death of one of the greatest artists on the evening of April 16th, saddend not only us, but also his  puppets from Mobarak to Salim khan. A man who 78 years ago when he was only four years old began to learn how to work with puppets from his father, and until yesterday, he  as the last survivor of the Qajari Khaimeshab bazi,  wanted to show his puppets archives and prevent khaime shabbazi theater to forget.”

Morteza Sheikh Ahmad Khamsei  was   son of Ahmad Khamsei and brother of Reza Khamsei, who began to learn this art from his father when he was 4 years old.




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