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In Presence of Officials

Poster of 8th Lahijan Citizen Street Theater Festival Unveiled

Poster of 8th Lahijan Citizen Street Theater Festival was unveiled in the presence of city's officials.

Local officials and members of the press attended a ceremony to unveil poster of the 8th Lahijan Citizen Street Theater Festival on Sunday, Iran Theater reported.

The festival aims at "preservation of roots of Islamic and Iranian culture", "improving knowledge of citizenship and urban life", "bolstering responsibility of citizens towards having a clean and safe city".  

The festival has two stages. 310 ideas and plots from 25 provinces submitted to the secretariat of the festival of which 75 plots qualified in the first step. In second step, the jury announced 15 plays for competition and five in children section.

The subjects of the festival include citizenship, theme of the year, social disorders and encouraging the book reading.

Northern city of Lajihan will host the festival from August 16 to 19.


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