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Shahram karami’s Message to Akbar Radi Theater Festival

The basis , the heart and the mind of theater is a play

Iran Theater_General Director of Performing Art Center sends a message for opening

Ceremony Of Akbar Radi Theater Festival.

The message is as follows:

Akbar Radi, the brilliant star of Iran's dramatic literature, is always immortal with his permanent works and identity .  Now, many years after the death of this cultivated artist, our dramatic literature and theater artists' community appreciate more than ever the value and importance of this modest author with authenticity. The dynamism and liveliness of magnificent Akbar Radi plays and his Iranian characters reflects the culture and behavior of the people of this land.

The opening of the first Akbar Radi Theater festival is a worthwhile opportunity to highlight the worth and importance of this famous writer.

This event will be a magnificent with the best results with the help of the artists and fans of the author. Among this group is Hemideh Angha, Akbar Radi’s Wife and partner.She intends to pursue goals such as strengthening the foundations of Iranian playwriting,deepening in Radi's thoughts and to appreciate or better understand the new talents of the theater. Radi believed that the basis of the play was character and the personality, more than any other component, emerged with dialogue and manners, so  a  non -dialoogue scene ultimately leads to queries that are not related to the art of the theater. According to Radi, the basis and the heart and the mind of the art of theater is a play, and attempting to ignore or diminish it will deprive thought of the theater. The theme of all of Radi's plays is praise for human dignity and meritocracy. We are grateful to the artists who appreciate the playwright who believes in conscience and justice.


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