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In response to anti-Iranian policies;

The performance of two Polish shows was canceled

In response to anti-Iranian policies

The performance of two Polish shows was canceled

Iran Theater- Director General of the performing arts Center,Shahram Karami said that due to the anti-Iranian policies of the Poland, we canceled the performance of 2 polish shows in the 37th Fadjr International Theater Festival.

Iran Theater- Director General of the performing arts Center,Shahram Karami  said that due to the anti-Iranian policies of the Poland, we canceled the performance of 2 polish  shows in the 37th Fadjr International Theater Festival.

About the participation of Polish shows in the international section of the thirty-seventh Fadjr International Theater Festival,and due to its anti-Iranian policies, Shahram Karami  said: In protest of the policy of the Polish government and the anti-Iranian meeting that will  take place in Poland, we decided to cancel the performance of these shows at the Fadjr Theater Festival.”

He continued:” We informed the production teams of these two shows.so The show"silence" that was supposed to be performed as a huge environs in the parking garage of Vahdat Hall, and the "Bad City", which was supposed to go on stage in the main hall of the City Theater Complex, was canceled.”