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Yerma to restage at Molavi Hall

Iran Theater- Molavi Theater Center is closed for three days on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini and the martyrdom of Imam Jafar Sadegh .

Iran Theater- Molavi Theater Center is closed for three days on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini and the martyrdom of Imam Jafar Sadegh .

It should be noted that after these days, from Monday, June 8, the play "Yerma" directed by Nasim Adabi and Neda Shahrokhi will spend its final days at 6 pm in the main hall of the Molavi Theater Center.

Performance of this show will end soon.The show is loosely based on Yerma.

Yerma  is a play by the Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca. It was written in 1934 and first performed that same year. García Lorca describes the play as "a tragic poem." The play tells the story of a childless woman living in rural Spain. Her desperate desire for motherhood becomes an obsession that eventually drives her to commit a horrific crime.


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