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FITF finalized the jury of "Radio Theater" and " Other kind of Performance"

FITF finalized the jury of "Radio Theater" and " Other kind of Performance"

Iran Theater- Hossein Tavazonizadeh, Amir Rad and Mahmoud Reza Rahimi were introduced as the jury of the "Other kind of Performances" section and Ayub Agakhani, Javad Pishgar and Fereydoun Mehrabi were introduced as the juries of the radio theater section of the 40th Fadjr Theater Festival.

Hossein Tavazonizad is a playwright and theater director. His works include writing and directing the play "Butterfly", directing the play "Aras", "Romance in the Heart of Architecture" and etc.

Amir Rad is a painting expert from Tehran University.  He was the artistic secretary of the 14th Fadjr Visual Arts Festival. Mahmoud Reza Rahimi is an actor, director, lecturer and author in the fields of theater, cinema and television.

Ayoub Aghakhani is an actor,playwright and stage director. Javad Pishgar is one of the pioneers radio artist, actor and voice actor. Fereydoun Mehrabi holds a bachelor's degree in acting and a master's degree in directing from the Faculty of Cinema.