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Asha Mehrabi directs Carlo's Single Street Kids

Iran Theater-Asha Mehrabi will direct the show “Carlo Single Street Kids” at Honar Hall.

The show is Written by Maryam Tajik and directed by Asha Mehrabi and produced by Amir Hossein Shafiei, and it will be on stage in the mid of May.


Asha Mehrabi, who directed olduz at the Hamadan International Theater Festival many years ago, Now she is getting ready to perform another play in the specialized hall for children and teenagers.


She said her motivation was to remember the early years of her artistic activity, as well as her great interest in the children and adolescents shows.


  Among Mehrabi’s activities in the field of children and adolescents,  she  acted  many roles in movies and series, including acting in the series Coconut produced by Ebrahim Amerian and directed by Hamzeh Salehi and Ebrahim Amerian in the role of Ververeh and animations as a voice actor.


Carlo's single-street children have lived in captivity for many years under the name of Fagin. One day, the bigger and more hopeful room of this group will make a big decision ..

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