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Kazem Nazari:

The regional theater festival is a place to evaluate the theater capabilities of the provinces

Iran Theater-The Director General of Dramatic Arts Center and ITI President of Iran, Kazem Nazari traveled to Shiraz to attend the Pars Theater Festival and considered the regional festivals as a window to the performing arts in different parts of Iran, through which one can get a proper evaluation of the activities of the provincial artists.

Kazem Nazari traveled to Shiraz to attend the Pars Regional Theater Festival.

He said: "The Pars Regional Theater Festival was held at the level of a professional festival, with the efforts of the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the participation of artists from eight provinces. This festival was able to attract a large audience and with the participation of people and synergy between executive agencies, it managed to provide favorable conditions for  theater."

Nazari added: "In regional theater festivals, the growth and development of theater are evaluated in a healthy rivalry, and we hope to see good shows for FITF."

The director general of Dramatic Arts of Iran considered the most important goal of holding regional festivals to present the capabilities of theater groups in the provinces: "This festival offers the capabilities of different provinces and we can evaluate the conditions of theater in different regions of the country."

Nazari said: "Theatrical troupe can take advantage of this opportunity and make optimal use of the exchange that is created between them."

This artistic director believes that Fars province has the necessary infrastructure to hold international festivals


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