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15 directors talked about their shows in the provinces

15 directors talked about their shows in the provinces

Iran Theater-The directors who recently performed in the cities talked about their experience in staging the show, far from the capital.

Theater performances have never stopped in the provinces of the country despite the problems and shortages, and these days it is more prosperous than ever. It seems that this promises bright days for the performing arts somewhere away from the capital. There were many performances all over the country in In June and July.

The play "Aji Vakol" written by Akbar Shariat and directed by Amin Simin Maram was staged in Urmia from June 29 through  July 5.


Amin Siminmaram explained about this show: "The show, which has 8 actors and 5 production team, tells the story of marriages that were done for money, or young people who do anything in the hope of making a lot of money, and in the end are more helpless than before.”

Florian Zeller’s"Mother" directed by Yaser Peymani was staged in Isfahan from May  27 to June 27. The director of this show explained about the it: "This show has 4 characters and  4 actors and 20 members of productions collaborated . The Mother had about 2000 spectators. This work tells the story of a single mother, whose abstract atmosphere, as well as the repetition of its scenes, keep the audience engaged in the events until the end .”

"Staying in a Falling State" written and directed by Javad Laledoost from Faryad Free Performing Arts School was performed in Bandar Anzali city from June 19 to 26. The director Said it’s written in the genre of mystery and psychology and shows a character named Hasti who feels like she is someone else and sees people who don't exist.

The play "Aperkat" written by Mohammad Reza Gholipour was previously performed by another theater group in Tehran and it was staged in Babolsar   city with  Mahan Masoompour as director.  The director of the show believes that better works should be produced in the provinces  so that young artists who do not have the conditions to work outside the city can gain good experience and remain active in their own city. The play "One Girl One Soldier" written by Mohammad -Reza Kohestani and directed and produced by Mostafa Gholami Ostadsaraei was performed in Rasht city. The reception of the audience satisfied him. Horieh Shaigan directed the show “I am Malala” in Rasht city as well. This physical show was based on the body and was complete with light and music.

"A Better Life", directed by Saeed Chegini, was performed at the Allameh Rafiei Amphitheater in Qazvin city. Saeed Chegini said about the theme of this show: "This show is a social theater with a touch of humor that shows the effort of a family to achieve a better life and the confrontation of the father of the family from the old generation with his children. This show has 5 actors and 16 members of crew.  Qazvin was host of The show” Hosniyeh" directed by Vafa Tarafeh . As the director said, they are members of an Independent troupe and they did all the works by themselves.

"Majles Lear Khani" directed by Shirazi artist Saina Ajeli ghari was staged at the Homayun Industrial Complex in Kerman city. The audience of the show . The director oconsidered the audience of this work to be people who experienced war, ideological oppression, physical violence or occupation as everyday life. Maryam Tarshrizi directed the show “chattiness” in Kerman city as well. It is the story of a girl who longs to perform on stage and plays different characters of dramatic literature in her mind.  The cast consisted of 19 young actors and it was a big production with 40 members of cast and crew. The director said that this play does not have a writer because it is inspired by famous plays of world famous writers.

The show "Heights Comedy" directed by Ehsan Zainalodini was performed in Kermanshah from June 18 -28. The director of this show announced the good reception of the audience and he expressed his hope that the offcials will support these shows so that the oppressed theater artists can produce and perform higher quality works. "Sergeant Nader, Dutiful" by Mehrnoosh Mohammadi is another show that was performed in Kermanshah. Mohammadi said the play was written by a veteran artist of Kermanshah named Havas Plook and it has a social theme about child abuse.

The show "Qhormeh Sabzi  Pizza" directed by Reza Ravan was performed in Hamedan city. The director said that the 2000 people watched the show.

The show "Popular Story" directed by Kianoosh Behrozpour was performed in Hamadan .Behrouzpour pointed out that for years, the audience has not been very receptive to adult and comedy shows: "The audience's taste has changed towards happy shows, and in other shows, unfortunately, we have to cast famous artists and celebrities to have success. We had a total of 10 performances, and about 600 people saw our show, and I want to use this opportunity to say that theater is not just a festival and custom themes, please support public performances with free themes as well."