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130 scripts of street theatre plays delivered to Fajr Theatre Festival Secretariat.

As the deadline for sending the works for the Street Section of Fajr International Theatre Festival expired, over 130 scripts of street theatre plays are delivered to the 32nd Fajr Theatre Festival Secretariat.

According to Iran Theatre Website, unlike the previous years, the deadline was not extended, and upon its expiration over 130 scripts were received by the Fajr Festival Secretariat.
It is worth be mentioned that the works focusing on the current year motto "Political and Economic Epic" are given priority. After all, 12 pieces will eventually be qualified to participate in the street theatre contest section.
In addition, 15 theatre pieces will be selected and introduced in The Fajr Theatre Festival Guests Section public performance, from those previously performed in Marivan Street Theatre and other festivals.
The results of the investigations will be announced up to July 10th.
The 32nd Fajr International Theatre Festival will be held as from January 14th through February 1st, coinciding with Fajr Decade and Islamic Unity Week.