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International Section Invitation of 32nd Fajr Theater Festival has been changed in form and content

Mr. Esmaeil Aalizad in conversation with Iran Theater Site informed that the form and content of International Section Invitations of 32nd Fajr Theater Festival have been changed. 

The secretory of 32nd International Fajr Theater Festival in discussion with Iran Theater Site with point to announcement of International Section Invitation of the 32nd Fajr Theater Festival said: the invitations of international section of this course of festival hasn`t different from the previous invitations, because the invitations that previously were adjusted and used, after several years have positive results in favor of who was received this invitations.  In fact, that invitation was found its validity place among the groups; therefore, in current invitation we are witness of partial changes. 
He point to the created changes in invitation of this course of festival and added: after the evaluation nearly 15 foreign festival invitations we find an index to the effect that in today`s world and in scope of holding general festivals, how is approach. After studying these invitations, were created partial changes in form and content section.  Such as in content section, we changed the literature of invitations, so the literature of invitation changed to viewpoints of the expression up to the audience have been the professional reading on the context. 
Mr. Aalizad continue that absolutely these created changes in content, will promote the personality of Fajr Theater Festival on viewpoint of text and also the validity of invitation. In fact, the axis wad adjusted in this invitation that emphasis to a expressing understanding and world value that is supervision on inter-cultural transactions and here we introduced the moderation discussion and counter-respect as fundamental subject of this course. 
He also expressed that we established the Invitation of International Section of 32nd Fajr Theater Festival on request of human society and request of Islamic Republic of Iran that emphasis to the same request of human society. 
The secretary of the 32nd International Fajr Theater Festival said that the festival poster was selected in a competitive and democratic process , reminded that : this matter provide this field for us that up to the holding time of festival, all changes that happen , accompanied with the symptoms of the 32nd festival that the same symptoms is gathered in festival poster and in all dramatic scopes of festival from tickets, cards, festival invitation up to the environmental advertisement in all of them in such way will be enjoyed from the symbol of the 32nd festival. 
He added: for this reason on viewpoint of form, the invitation of international section is accompanied with the personality of this festival on the symbolic viewpoint and in fact, the form of invitation indicates that the there is an alive spirit in Faji Theater Festival area. In addition to this, we passed on the permanent simple format and we remind the symptoms of festival in the invitation, also if the group passes from arbitration and judgment process, and reach to the festival, and are faced with other symptoms that were known more than everything for them and on the other hand will be the complementary of other processes of festival. 
Mr. Aalizad with pointing to the importance of international section of festival admitted that: when we speak about an international festival, our goal isn`t only the bringing of several foreign groups, but also we want to form the inter-cultural transaction and in fact the indicting of foreign works is pretext for forming of this transaction, in addition to this, the holding of sittings and seminars in festival beside of public performances could help to the development of this inter-cultural interaction. 
At the end, he says that the theater groups should not present only as a viewer of foreign works in saloons; stated that the theater artists should provide the condition for developing of this transaction and cultural trade among the nation. Whereas, the part of this problem depends on the works that the Iranian groups supply, therefore, for the formation of this affair, we involve the group in this process and by presence of foreign groups of cultural officers of that country, we will invite them for seeing a play up to could develop the cultural business. 
It is mentionable that the 32nd International Fajr Theater Festival will be held from 14th Jan. to 1st Feb.  and coincident with Vahdat week and Fajr decade days.