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Message of Secretary of 21st Hamedan International Children and Young Adult Theatre Festival

Payam Dehkordi, Secretary of 21st Hamedan International Children and Young Adult Theatre Festival sent a message to the festival.

Iran Theatre-

“Every child is a sign to know how much you have lost

I make a child by buttons.

Two buttons for eyes, for looking…a button for nose, which has two orifices, for breathing, for scents of nature…few buttons beside each other, more and more, more laugh, a smiley curve.

Two buttons for ears, which has an orifice for listening. Hearing each help and each talk and each good song…

I make a body with buttons. With hands to touch fresh skin of walnut…or soil which I made mud with water for magic fort and legs buttons for running and jumping, for going and coming…

I go to forest with my handiwork, go to that magic mud fort and become its empire. I become its father and make a hat for it. A paper hat that whenever it wants becomes a boat to go to fresh happy rivers.

I give my handiwork to my child today. Today that I made a button of my child. 

A button for shopping, a button for playing, a button for dialogue, a button for reaching to entire world…

Maybe I should live in another age that today don’t grow up my child as fast and bitter as today!

That today I won’t write bitterly:


How soon we late

Me and my child

In skirt

Alas my child

With kindness and hope”

21st Hamedan International Children and Young Adult Theatre Festival will be held in Hamedan city with presence of national and international theatre groups from 7-13October 2014 simultaneously with global day of children.