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Life Career of Famous Iranian Playwright on Stage

“Seven Acts” directed by Mikaeel Shahrestani, portraits life career of Akbar Radi, Iranian famous playwright in seven tableaus that profited different technique.

Iran Theatre- “Seven Acts” with portraying seven tableaus of seven Akbar Radi’s plays will be performed in Charsoo Hall of City Theatre Complex. Mikaeel Shahrestani who directed the play talked about reason of selecting this way and experience of working on Radi’s plays and said: “The play is in fact a debt paying to late Akbar Radi. “Seven Acts” is started with cultural birth of Radi when he was 22 years old and creation of “Blue Window” until his death. Through this way, seven tableaus of seven plays of him are performed and Radi himself is present among these plays’ acts.”

Director of “Seven Acts” pointed to various characters of the play and said:”We have seven 10-15 minutes tableaus and we tried to keep two or three characters in each of these scenes. This play has 24 characters that three of them are real and has short presence.”

Mikaeel Shahrestani who plays the role Akbar Radi himself emphasized on cultural influence of this Iranian contemporary playwright and continued: “Akbar Radi has had serious influence on social events of his time and he was really effective in cultural field. My goal was showing this dimension of his character and I felt portraying seven tableaus of his seven different plays can be a good way. This is the first time that it happens in Iran; performing different tableaus of an artist in a play. In selecting plays, I had different motivations and aims and I considered main characteristics of Radi’s works like women’s shelterlessness, effect of destiny and disappointed efforts of characters which are seen in most of his works. I don’t know how much I become successful in transmitting these concepts. The result must be judged by audiences. ”

Akbar Radi is one of the most famous Iranian contemporary playwrights whose works are almost realistic and about social lives of people. After half century activity in drama world, he passed away on 26th December 2007.

 “Seven Acts” is performed in Charsoo Hall of City Theatre Complex from October 13th until November 21st.